Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fun with words

So I realized today that I was on hiatus from writing on my blog. I was busy with my students, getting my car fixed, and having a fun sinus infection. I was at a conference for the last three days, and I'm going to try to put a few things I learned in some posts coming up so I have a point of reference more than just the crappy hotel paper that I jot things on since this conference is usually the one I learn the most from during the year.

The fun thing about going to conferences is the neat little tricks one can learn. Today, my favorite thing is Spell with Flickr that I found out about today in D.I.'s session (yes, I actually met him in person- a rarity in this program, I'm discovering). So check this out:

letter M Caslon metal type letter A IMG_5590_2 IMG_5566_2 IMG_5668 One Letter - White in Red Circle letter N

This is the kind of thing that makes a conference worthwhile. It's sort of like when I learned how to make banners in Blackboard at one conference, and that is still the only thing I remember from the conference (probably because that was the only thing I did for the rest of the sessions that conference).

Tomorrow I vow to get back on track with other things, but for now, I need a much needed nap.

Z metal type letter z Detail from \"Lizzie you are a star\" linoprint z9 Z

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